
Please take the time to see the Internet Safety information:

Internet Safety flyer from the Children’s Safety Education Foundation
Parents Factsheet from www.thinkuknow.co.uk
Parents’ Safeguarding Online Information Service
www.kidscape.org.uk Kidscape is a charity committed to keeping children safe, especially from bullying and sexual abuse. Its aim is to equip vulnerable children with practical skills and knowledge in how to keep themselves safe and reduce likelihood of future harm. Kidscape also offers a range of training programmes both for children and the children’s workforce.
Social Networking! Please remember that students have to be 14 to register on to Facebook. Please try and support us by banning social networking because it leads to isolation and bullying.
Useful Contacts:
• Childline 0800 1111 – this number is free to call from any phone.
• Stopitnow 0800 1000 900

E-Safety Tools (Applications that parents can download and that allows them to control their child’s internet usage):
OurPact is the most comprehensive parental control app and family locator, perfect for families of any sizes.

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