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Ofsted Inspection Sep 2023

Ofsted Inspection Sep 2023

It is our pleasure to share the report from OfSTED following the inspection on 7-9 September 2023. The inspection report is an excellent recognition of the hard work of the team at LoK. Staff, governors, pupils and parents deserve great credit for this tremendous achievement.

The process was very thorough and of course took the views of parents/carers, staff, governors and pupils into consideration alongside observing teaching, social times and all aspects of our day to day practice.

Below are just some of the things that Inspectors reported:

  • “Pupils are proud to attend this school. They strive to attain the high standards set by the school in their academic work and conduct.”
  • “Pupils take their learning seriously and work hard. They enjoy their time here. “
  • “Pupils attain highly in their GCSE subjects at the end of Year 11.”
  • “The school identifies weaker readers and gives additional support for these pupils to develop their fluency and confidence in reading. Staff encourage pupils in Years 7 to 9 to read widely.”
  • “Pupils greatly enjoy their weekly physical education (PE) lessons at a nearby leisure centre.”
  • “Pupils across the school get on well together. “
  • “Pupils conduct themselves well around the school and in lessons.”
  • “The respectful culture in school helps to maintain a calm and orderly environment where pupils behave well.”
  • “Pupils trust staff to look after them. They know that they can talk to staff if they have any concerns.”
  • “Leaders are ambitious for the school. They work hard to address any weaknesses, including areas for improvement identified at previous inspections.”
  • “Leaders have considered what they want pupils to know and remember in each subject. They give clear thought to how learning is sequenced in all subjects. This helps to build pupils’ knowledge and skills over time.”
  • “Leaders make sure that pupils are safe at school.”
  • “Leaders, including the proprietor body, are keenly aware of their statutory duties. They have rigorous systems in place to ensure that the independent school standards are maintained. Leaders at all levels are committed to improving the school further and have the capacity to do so.”
  • “The school organises various educational outings for pupils, such as to museums and art galleries.”
  • “The school puts great emphasis on citizenship and encourages pupils to play an active role in wider society.”
  • “The school sets clear expectations around attendance and punctuality. Pupils respond well to these so that attendance is high.”
  • “The school has ensured that the requirements of schedule 10 of the Equality Act 2010 are met. “
  • “The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.”

The full report can be downloaded from here.


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