


At a glance, KS3 Geography focuses mainly on the basics of Human and Psychical Geography. It aims to provide students with an understanding of how the UK and Europe is made up of geographically, the understanding of how rivers and floods operate are given a lot emphasis at KS3 level, as well as; population, urban change, earthquakes and volcanoes. At KS4 Level, students learn about Psychical and Human Geography in much more detail.

GCSE qualifications in Geography enable students to develop:

-        communication skills
-        geographical and cartographical skills
-        technological skills, including ICT and GIS
-        interpersonal skills through debate and discussion
-        literacy and numeracy
-        problem solving skills
-        entrepreneurial skills and awareness of career possibilities.


Teaching of Key Stage 3 & 4 Geography at Lantern of Knowledge School is in accordance with the National Curriculum. In Year 10, students are given the opportunity to choose 3 topics from 2 sections; Geography A & Geography B. The topics covered in Geography A are: The Restless Earth, Rocks, resources & scenery, Challenge of weather & climate, Living world, Water on the land, Ice on the land & The coastal zone. The topics covered in Geography B are: Population Change, Changing urban environments, Changing rural environments, The development gap, Globalisation & Tourism.


At KS3 Level, pupils are regularly examined, by way of: end of topic tests, end of term tests and end a final end of year test, in addition to formative assessment. The progress of pupils is closely monitored throughout the course.

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